During the preview of the film "Confinement Déconfinement" directed by Estelle F and produced by MonacoVisions, Mr. Roger Durand, co-founder of the association, receives a palme d'honneur in the presence of many high personalities of Monaco.
MonacoVisions in Web3
MonacoVisions thanks for their presence:
Mr. Patrice Cellario , Government Counselor - Minister of the Interior.
Madame Michèle Dittlot , National Councilor, Vice-President of the Culture and Heritage Commission, representing Mr. Stéphane Valery, President of the National Council.
Mr. Marc Mourou , National Councilor, President of the Education, Youth and Sports Commission.
Mr. José Badia , National Councilor, Chairman of the External Relations Commission.
Mr. Pierre Cellario , Principal of the Lycée Alber 1er in Monaco.
Madame Estelle Macé , Head of Cultural Action at the Audiovisual Institute of Monaco.
Palace of Europe, Menton
from 20 to 28 .11.2021
From 20 to 28 November, seventeen MonacoVisions photographers present their
works on panels designed by Bruna V and Estelle F on the theme "Flowers in Love"